Giulia Thinnes
it's easier for me like that

Giulia Thinnes’ work deals with the facts and feelings from a period of her life when questions about gender identity and the resulting decisions had an impact on her life, as well as that of her loved ones.

Applications deadline 10 November 2024 for the Photography and Photo Editing Studies. Classes start in March 2025.

The Ostkreuzschule is one of the most important schools for documentary photography, artistic photography and photojournalism in Germany.

We define photography as a language and photographers as authors who face the world with a clear vision, exploring and portraying social, societal and political contexts.Together we constantly reflect and discuss the basics of our photographic work. In addition to this lively culture of debate, our teaching is based on a sound technical training, theoretical foundations and a strong practical focus.

Our teachers and graduates publish worldwide in the most important media, exhibit in major museums and galleries and are honored with the most prestigious awards.

The public school emerged from the renowned Ostkreuz agency. It was founded in 2004 by Werner Mahler and Thomas Sandberg, and its program was influenced by Prof. Ute Mahler, Sibylle Bergemann and Prof. Arno Fischer, among others. Since 2023, it is headed by Lia Darjes and Jörg Brüggemann.

Located in a lively backyard in Berlin-Weißensee, surrounded by artist studios, our campus provides classrooms, professional workshops, a photo studio and a beautiful auditorium. Here teachers and students can meet eye to eye in a personal and concentrated atmosphere. In addition to the three-and-a-half-year photography program and the one-and-a-half-year photography master class, we also offer the one-year photo editing program as well as a variety of seminars for those interested in photography.

Photography Studies

In the Photography study program we train students to become professional photographers. The development of an own photographic handwriting and an impressive portfolio are the aim of the three-and-a-half-year course.

In the Foundation Class, the first two semesters, you will learn your basic photographic, technical, theoretical and creative skills, which you will deepen in the Advanced Class, the third and fourth semesters, during which you will create your first major projects. In the fifth semester, the Orientation Class, you will develop the concept of your graduation project, which you will produce and then present in the sixth and seventh semesters, the Graduation Class. These last three semesters are accompanied by advice and instructions for the first steps in the profession after your studies.

Unique to the Photography degree program at the Ostkreuzschule are the many practice-oriented cooperation projects which we initiate with magazines, museums and future clients. There are monthly evening lectures by renowned photographers and a close exchange and cooperation with the students of the Photo Editors Studies.

As a result, the Photography study program at the Ostkreuzschule qualifies you for the international photography market, regardless of whether you want to work in documentary, artistic or journalistic photography.

Foundation Class

The Foundation Class lays the groundwork for your studies and lasts two semesters. Lessons take place in two classes with a maximum of 15 students. In the first semester you will focus on black and white photography, in the second on color photography. You will be given various photographic assignments and your results will be discussed together in class every fortnight. You will create your first serial work in portrait, reportage, landscape and architectural photography, conceptual photography and your first still lives.

At the same time, you will learn the basics of analogue and digital photography techniques and how to work in a photo studio. You will learn about the history of photography as well as the basics of design. You will also visit photo exhibitions in Berlin together as a class, go on a class trip with the whole year group and have the opportunity to work together with students of the Photo Editing Program, which includes the monthly ‘Stammtisch’ of the Ostkreuzschule.

Advanced Class

In the Advanced Class, the third and fourth semesters, the substantive aspects of photography become more important and your personal visual language takes centre stage. You create your first complex photo projects, while learning the necessary creative and research techniques.

You will expand your technical skills in analogue and digital photo technology as well as in the photo studio and deepen your knowledge of photographic history and design. In addition, the various forms of publishing photography will now also become a topic and you will continue to visit monthly photo exhibitions in Berlin.

The opportunity to realize the first professional exhibition and publication projects with external cooperation partners of the Ostkreuzschule often arises during Advanced Class. In addition, you now work even more frequently on joint projects with the students on the Photo Editors Studies.

Orientation Class

Orientation Class At the beginning of the Orientation Class, your class is reshuffled and divided from two into three groups with ten students each. Together with your teacher, you will develop the topic and photographic concept for your graduation project. Alongside this, you will be taught the necessary photographic theory. You will further develop your photographic style through additional tasks. In several workshops on topics such as photography law, job acquisition, portfolio design, taxes and accounting, we will also prepare you for your future work as a freelance photographer. At the end of the Orientation Class, you apply for the Graduatian Class with the concept of your final project and your first photographic sketches.

Graduation Class

In your final year of study, the sixth and seventh semesters, you will photograph and present your graduation project. You will receive intensive support from your teacher and your class. At the same time, you will study the technical and conceptual basics of various forms of presentation in photography - including photo books, exhibitions and digital forms of presentation. Our guest lecturers for vocational training will also teach you everything you need to know about the editorial, advertising and art markets, as well as future project funding opportunities such as prizes, competitions, scholarships, residencies and festivals. During the final year a class trip will take place.

You present your finished final project in an exhibition and/or in the form of a photo book, as conclusion of your studies. Most year groups decide to organize a large joint final exhibition in Berlin, which - as a nationally recognized presentation platform - will facilitate your entry into professional life.

How do I apply?

You can apply via the application form at the bottom of this website. In addition to your personal details, we need your CV, a letter of motivation and your photographic portfolio (max. 20 images), which you can either upload to our Dropbox in PDF format (the upload link can also be found below) or print out and send to us. The application deadline for the Photography Studies is 10.11.2024. All your documents must have reached us by then. We will get back to you within two weeks of the application deadline.

If you are selected in this first step, you will receive a photographic assignment from us, which you will bring and present at a personal interview at the Ostkreuzschule on December 7th 2024. You will then find out whether you have been accepted for the photography study program. If you are accepted, your studies will begin in March 2025.

Can I apply for a higher semester?

If you already have photographic skills and previous knowledge, you can also apply for a higher semester. Such a lateral entry is also possible for the second or fourth semester in the winter term, which begins in September. Please apply to us as described above and mark the relevant position in the applicationform. After a personal interview we will decide whether you can actually enter a higher semester.

In most cases, however, we recommend starting in the Foundation Class and attending all semesters of the program. This way, you will actually learn all the important issues and have enough time to develop your own photographic style.

What qualifications do I need to be able to study at Ostkreuzschule?

Your school-graduation certificate is (basically) irrelevant to us. We are only interested in your photographic interest and talent.

However, you must be of legal age to apply for the Ostkreuzschule. There is no top age limit. In terms of age structure our class groups are typically more diverse than at other universities. In our classes, different generations, life experiences and perspectives meet, learn together and exchange ideas.

An internship is not compulsory either before or during your studies. However, we recommend that you gain your first professional experience from the Advanced class onwards. Our alumni network can help you make the right contacts. 

What qualification do you obtain?

What qualification do you obtain? After your training, you will receive a certificate from us, but not a university degree in the traditional sense, as the Ostkreuzschule is a private school and is not run by a state organisation. Therefore, as a student at Ostkreuzschule, you are unfortunately not entitled to BAföG.

Experience has shown that graduating from a state institution gives you no advantage for your later work as a photographer. What counts is your graduation project, your portfolio and the reputation of the Ostkreuzschule. 

How is the course organized in terms of time?

A semester at the Ostkreuzschule lasts five months. The summer semesters run from March to July and the winter semesters from September to February. Semester breaks are from mid-July to mid-September as well as over Christmas and from mid-February to mid March.

The Foundation Class begins with two to three weeks of lessons in a row. After that, your lessons take place every fortnight for three to five days in a block. This means that there are usually alternating weeks of classes and weeks without classes. In addition to the on-site classes, you should plan two to three days per teaching block for independent photographic work. This includes practicing photography techniques on your own and applying and increasing the software skills that we teach you in class.

Overall, you can expect a time commitment that allows you to do a job on the side. In the Orientation and Graduating Classes, you will have fewer lessons but more time to photograph your final project. The final project itself is created outside of class hours and takes different amounts of time depending on the concept. 

What kind of workstations do you have?

The Ostkreuzschule has a digital lab with scanners, printers and computer workstations equipped with the latest photo and design software. Here you can scan, edit and print your pictures to a professional standard. We also have an analogue black and white and color darkroom, a photo studio with its own free photo equipment lending service and an extensive library of photo books, which is constantly (being) expanded. You can use all the workstations in our workshops during your studies free of charge or at the cost of materials 24/7.

Can I take a look at your school?

You are welcome to visit us at any time during our terms. Please contact us in advance by e-mail or telephone. Even better if you come to our Open Day on October 12th 2024. On this day, teaching staff and students will be available to answer all your questions. On this day, we will also present current work by students of the Ostkreuzschule. In addition, we (will) offer you the opportunity for a portfolio consultation on this day, for which you can register via our  applicationform.

How much does the program cost?

Foundation Class €2,580 (incl. 19% VAT) per semester for 35 teaching days

Advanced Class € 2,300 (incl. 19% VAT) per semester for 32 teaching days

Orientation Class € 2,100 (incl. 19% VAT) for one semester with 22 teaching days

Graduating Class € 2,100 (incl. 19% VAT) per semester for 22 teaching days

A total of €16,060 (incl. 19% VAT) for seven semesters with 200 teaching days You will receive a separate contract from us for each class, so you are committed for a maximum of one year. There is the option of a monthly payment or a one-off payment at the beginning of the academic year, where you will receive a 3% discount.

What other technical equipment do I need? What additional costs can I expect?

Before you start your studies, you should buy your own analogue and digital SLR or system camera with interchangeable lenses. At the beginning of your studies these do not have to be professional models; such a purchase usually only pays off later. We have an internal blackboard where you can purchase many things from your fellow students at lower prices. You will also need a computer.

As a student at Ostkreuzschule, you can purchase many of the software entries you need for your work at a student discount. You must cover the costs of material such as analogue films, photographic chemicals and paper yourself. The items you use in our workshops, such as printer paper and ink, will be charged at material cost price. Experience has shown that these costs amount to between €50 and €100 a month.

There is a class trip in both the Foundation and Graduating Classes, which usually costs around €100. Your class graduation exhibition is financially supported by the Ostkreuzschule, but is largely organized and financed by your class. The costs vary depending on the chosen exhibition venue and the type of exhibition. The decision on this is up to you and the fellow students in your class.

Photo Editors Studies

What makes a good picture? How do I tell a story with pictures? What narrative forms are there to visualize recurring, socially relevant topics in such a way that they are seen? These are the fundamental questions that you will explore in the Photo Editors Class.

The Ostkreuzschule is the only training centre in Germany to offer this program. In two semesters, you will acquire the most important skills that visual experts need for their work. In the Photo Editors Class, you will learn about current trends and debates in photography, especially in photojournalism and documentary photography, and discuss them with your teachers and in class. You will utilize the synergies within the group and the entire school to deepen your visual memory and understanding.

In lessons with Nadja Masri, the head of the program, as well as with the numerous guest lecturers, the different genres in photography are covered and national and international photographers and agencies are introduced. You will also carry out numerous image searches, assess individual images and stories and edit and discuss sequences of images for different outlets with your fellow students. You will learn how to assess portfolios and proposals, research topics and brief photographers.

You will familiarize yourself with the most important digital tools and gain an insight into the world of AI. You will complete a writing workshop, try out daily newspaper production, learn how to keyword images, the basics of media law and fact checking. You will also gain an insight into the processes of curating, explore the medium of the photo book and learn about the history of photography.

You will deepen your practical knowledge in numerous projects together with photography students of the Ostkreuzschule, the ICP in New York and the Portraits-Hellerau Photography Award. This will enable you to build up a valuable, extensive network during your studies.

How do I apply?

You apply via the application form at the bottom of this website. In addition to your personal details, we need your CV and a letter of motivation, which you can either upload them to our Dropbox in PDF format (you will find the upload link below) or print them out and send them to us. The application deadline for the Photo Editors Studies is November 10th 2024, by which time all your documents must have reached us. We will get back to you within two weeks of the application deadline.

If you are selected in this first step, we will send you documents that you should prepare for a personal interview on December 7th 2024. After this interview, we will let you know whether you have been accepted to the program. The program starts in March 2025.

What requirements do I need to fulfill? 

Your school-leaving certificate and age are not important to us. What we are interested in is your (interest and) passion for photography and the desire to work professionally with images. However, you must be at least 18 years old to study photo editing. An internship is not required either before or during the program. 

What qualification do you obtain?

After your training, you will receive a certificate from us, but not a university degree in the traditional sense, as the Ostkreuzschule is a public school and is not run by the state. Therefore, as a student at Ostkreuzschule, you are unfortunately not entitled to BAföG.

Graduates of the Photo Editing degree program work nationally and internationally for important magazines, museums and artists. Our extensive alumni network can help you to make contacts for your career start. 

How big is the class and how is it composed?

There is a maximum of 14 students in your class. The group is typically diverse in terms of age and biographies, which makes the class very exciting. Everyone is united by a passion for photography and the desire to professionalize their skills.

How much time does it take?

If you are accepted, your studies will begin in mid-March 2025. Classes take place once a month as a six-day block seminar, usually from Sunday to Friday. The program ends after ten block seminars in February 2026 with a final presentation and the awarding of the certificate. Semester breaks are from mid-July to mid-September and from mid-December to mid-January.

You should expect to spend around two to four additional working days per month working independently on assignments and projects. Overall, you can expect a time commitment that allows you to combine studying at the Ostkreuzschule with a job and your family. 

How much does the program cost? 

4,600.00 (incl. 19% VAT) for 10 block seminars with a total of 60 teaching days or € 460.00 per monthly block seminar (incl. 19% VAT) with six teaching days each. If you pay the annual fee in advance, you will receive a 3% discount. The contract does not include a cancellation period.

What additional costs should I expect?

In recent years, we have always initiated a photo book project in cooperation with the graduates of the Ostkreuzschule and the ICP in New York and presented it at a book launch in Berlin at the end of the academic year. Although this project is financially supported by both schools, it is produced and mostly financed by you. You can obtain a press pass from us for €80.00, which gives you free entry to many museums. 

Photography Masterclass

In the Photography Masterclass, you will develop a new, extensive photographic project over three semesters. You will be supervised by Prof Linn Schröder and Ingo Taubhorn in a class of no more than 15 students. The aim is to find and develop your individual photographic style. The basis for this is an intensive tutoring and discussion about photography and the presented images. The masterclass deepens and expands your knowledge and photographic skills.
From concept to capturing to presentation, you will expand your knowledge and skills, which are necessary for the creation of a long-term photo project. Working on your projects will be accompanied by constant discourse on contemporary photography and the classics. In some block seminars, a photographer, a curator, a publisher or a gallery owner will be present as guest.

How do I apply?

The application deadline for the photography master class is in November 2025. You apply with your CV, if available with your final certificate of your photography studies and your final thesis as a PDF document or with your portfolio and an exposé of the planned new project (max. 1 A4 page) via our  applicationform. We will get back to you within two weeks of the application deadline. If you are selected in this first step, we will invite you to a personal interview at the Ostkreuzschule. You will then find out whether you have been accepted onto the photography masterclass. Your studies will then begin in March 2026.

What degree can I obtain?

After your training, you will receive a certificate from us, but not a university degree in the traditional sense, as the Ostkreuzschule is a public school and is not run by a state organisation. Therefore, as a student at Ostkreuzschule, you are unfortunately not entitled to BAföG. However, experience has shown that it is irrelevant for your later work as a photographer whether you have graduated from a state institution. What counts is your final thesis, your portfolio and the reputation of the Ostkreuzschule, its teachers and its previous graduates.

How is the course organized?

The photography masterclass takes place in seven three-day block seminars, usually from Friday to Sunday, over the course of three semesters. If you are planning a joint exhibition of your completed work, the last block seminar will be dedicated to curation and hanging. You will photograph your work outside of the block seminars. This requires a certain amount of time, depending on your concept and working method. Overall, you can expect to spend enough time to complete the masterclass alongside your job and family.

What workshops do you have? And can I use them?

The Ostkreuzschule has a digital workshop with scanners, printers and computer workstations equipped with the latest photo and design software. We also have an analogue black and white and color laboratory, a photo studio with its own photo equipment lending service and an extensive photo book library. (However,) the workshops and laboratories at the Ostkreuzschule are mainly used by students on the photography program, however can also be used by students of the photography master class, depending on availability (and agreement??) and a corresponding introductory appointment for a fee.

Can I take a look at your school?

You are welcome to visit us at any time during the semester. Please register in advance by e-mail or telephone. It is even better if you come to our open day on October 12th 2024. On this day, teaching staff and students will be available to answer all your questions. On this day, we will also present current work that has been produced during (your?) studies at Ostkreuzschule. We also offer you the opportunity to register for a portfolio consultation via our  applicationform. 

How much does the program cost?

The Photography Masterclass costs 3,465.00 including 19% VAT for seven block seminars of three days each 1,365.00 due on enrollment and €300.00 two weeks before the start of each block seminar.

If you pay the total amount (once), you (will) receive a 3% discount. The contract does not include a cancellation period. Cancellation is only possible in exceptional cases such as illness (and will be checked by the school?). 

What additional costs can I expect?

You cover the costs of your photo equipment, computer and software licences, consumables and any travel expenses. If you use our workshops, we will charge for working material such as printer paper and ink. One of the seven block seminars is typically used for a class trip, which (usually) costs around 150.00. If you would like a press card, you can obtain one from us for €80.00 per year. Standardly the photography master class ends with a joint exhibition of the final projects, which you organize and finance yourself. The costs (incurred here) vary depending on the chosen exhibition venue and form. The decision on this is up to you and your fellow students in your masterclass.

Mahler’s Class

"[They] teach more than just photography." This is how photographer Anne Schwalbe describes the artist and lecturer couple Ute Mahler and Werner Mahler. Together, they have shaped the teaching at the Ostkreuzschule for over 20 years. Now they are offering a new, exclusive class.

The Mahler’s Class offers the opportunity to be supported and guided by Ute and Werner Mahler over a period of one year in the development and realisation of their own photo project. The course days take place in their house, the centre of their work and life in the middle of the pine forest in the north of Berlin, which they have gradually transformed into their studio and archive and which now houses the life's work of three photographers. They have created a place there that enables a balance between inspiration and relaxation, giving the class a special learning experience. In a class of a maximum of ten participants, the Mahlers will focus on developing and deepening the photographers' visual language and accompany and support planned photographic projects through to the presentation form. At the same time, they will provide an insight into their place of work, their own approach and their art.
With their photographic work, as teachers and co-founders of the renowned agency Ostkreuz and the Ostkreuzschule, Ute Mahler and Werner Mahler are among the most important personalities in German photography. After studying at the Leipzig Academy of Visual Arts, they both pursued their photographic careers independently of each other with different focuses. In 2008, they decided to photograph under one authorship. In their joint long-term projects, they address current political, social and personal conditions.

When will the next Mahler's Class start?

The next Mahler's Class is expected to start in autumn 2025, with more details to be announced in spring 2025.

How do I apply?

You apply via the application portal on this website with a portfolio and a brief concept outlining which project is to be realised in the joint year.

How is the class organised?

The Mahler’s Class takes place on ten course days every month on a Saturday over a period of one year.

How much does participation cost?

The participation fee is €2,500 (incl. 19% VAT).€1,000 is due upon conclusion of the contract and €150 2 weeks before the next course day. If you pay the total amount once, you will receive a 3% discount.

What is included in the participation fee?

In addition to the support and supervision of your photo project by the Mahlers, high-quality food and drinks are also provided during the course days. If you are travelling by train, a shuttle service to and from Lehnitz or Oranienburg S-Bahn station is included.


These seminars are an offer for all those who want to improve their photographic skills over the course of a year. They are aimed at anyone interested in photography as well as students and professionals.

Together with our lecturers and the class group, you will deepen and expand your photographic knowledge and experience. The aim is to develop and realise your own photographic project. Your individual artistic expression is particularly encouraged.

The content of the seminars is also dynamically tailored to the needs and knowledge of the participants. You can find more information in the seminar descriptions of the individual lecturers.

In recent years, most seminars have ended with joint exhibitions. In addition, participants are invited to take part in the school's internal cultural programme.

The seminars run from autumn or spring with 10 dates over the course of a year. Which seminars will take place from spring 2025 will be available here from November 2024.

Autumn Seminars

Spring Seminars

How do I apply?

You apply via the application form at the bottom of this website. In addition to your personal details, we need a letter of motivation and a photographic portfolio, which you can either upload to our Dropbox in PDF format (you will also find the link below) or print out and send to us. The application deadline for the seminars starting in spring 2025 is 12.1.2025. All your documents must have reached us by then. We will get back to you within two weeks of the application deadline.

How many course days are included?

The weekend seminars take place on ten full-day dates each month over the course of a year. The evening seminar will take place on 20 dates every 14 days for four hours on a weekday evening. Our next seminar will start in spring 2025 and run until spring 2026.

Which seminars will you be offering from spring 2025?

We will soon be announcing which seminars we will be offering from spring 2025.

How much does a seminar cost?

The participation fee is € 1,200 (incl. 19% VAT). Ten monthly payments of € 120 (incl. 19% VAT) are possible. If you pay the total amount in one installment, you will receive a 3% discount.

Teachers und Lecturers

Our teachers are nationally and internationally recognised artists of contemporary photography, some are members of the renowned Ostkreuz agency, others come from other fields. All of them are professional photographers, designers or theorists and have published worldwide in the most important magazines and journals, exhibited in major museums and galleries and been honoured with prestigious awards.

Selected Graduation Projects

Ken Buslay
Massimiliano Corteselli
Meret Eberl
Tamara Eckhardt
Jakob Eckstein
Janick Entremont
Bimal Fabbri
Jonas Feige
Johanna-Maria Fritz
Cecilia Gaeta
Jakob Ganslmeier
Sonja Hamad
Caroline Heinecke
Nancy Jesse
Amelie Kahn-Ackermann
Natalia Kepesz
Milan Koch
Tobias Kruse
Jelka von Langen
Lilli Nass
Jana Sophia Nolle
William Minke
Joseph Wolfgang Ohlert
Katharina Poblotzki
Jay Ritchie
Rebecca Sampson
Benjamin Sauer
Daniel Seiffert
Ina Schoenenburg
Henry Schulz
Anne Schwalbe
Anika Sperreiter
Stephanie Steinkopf
Nils Stelte
Ania Sudbin
Bastian Thiery
Giulia Thinnes
Anna Tiessen
Sebastian Wells
Chiara Wettmann
Yana Wernicke
Hannes Wiedemann
Doro Zinn



Ostkreuzschule für Fotografie
Behaimstraße 32/34
13086 Berlin

030 - 92794414

Monday and Wednesday: 9:00-16:00
Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 9:00-15:00

Ostkreuzschule für Fotografie Darjes Brüggemann GbR
Lia Darjes und Jörg Brüggemann
Finanzamt Pankow/Weißensee, 10431 Berlin
USt-IdNr. gem. § 27a UStG: DE360477909

Photo Credits
The copyright for the images under Selected Theses lies with the respective graduates. The copyright for the images in the image galleries between the texts is held by © Thomas Meyer/Ostkreuz with the exception of the image gallery for the Mahler class. Here the copyright lies with © Lia Darjes, © Jörg Brüggemann/Ostkreuz and © Dawin Meckel/Ostkreuz. Photo Seminar Annette Hauschild: © Annette Hauschild/Ostkreuz, Photo Seminar Sven Marquardt: © Sven Marquadt, Photo Seminar Loredana Nemes: © Loredana Nemes, Photo Seminar Ina Schoenenburg: © Ina Schoenenburg, Photo Seminar Nikita Teryoshin: © Nikita Teryoshin, Photo Seminar Mustafah Abdulaziz: © Mustafah Abdulaziz, Photo Seminar Jessica Backhaus: © Jessica Backhaus, Photo Seminar Tobias Kruse: © Tobias Kruse, Photo Seminar Anne Schönharting: © Anne Schönharting, Portrait Prof. Peter Bialobrzeski: © Nancy Jesse; Portrait Jörg Brüggemann: © Annette Hauschild/Ostkreuz; Portrait Cale Garrido: © Simone Kessler; Portrait Lia Darjes: © Jörg Brüggemann/Ostkreuz; Portrait Sibylle Fendt: © Sibylle Fendt/Ostkreuz; Portrait, Jürgen Gebhardt: © Flora Wechselberger, Portrait Göran Gnaudschun: © Eckart Bartnik, Portrait Thomas Gust: © Ana Druga ; Portrait Heinrich Holtgreve: © Alexandra Polina; Portrait; Dr. Enno Kaufhold: © Thomas Meyer/Ostkreuz; Portrait Tobias Kruse: © Christian Rothe; Portrait Philipp Plum: © Meike Klenn; Portrait Ina Schoenenburg: © Annette Hauschild/Ostkreuz; Portrait; Maria Sewcz: © Joachim Richau; Portrait Lea Sievertsen: © Tim Sonntag; Portrait Prof. Linn Schöder © Antine Yzer & Telke Jungjohann; Portrait Ingo Taubhorn: © Ute Behrend
Portrait Andreas Trogisch: © Axel Schmidt
Portrait Nadja Masri: © Caroline Scharff
Portrait Ute Mahler und Werner Mahler: © Dawin Meckel/Ostkreuz
Portrait Mustafah Abdulaziz: © Andres Sanjuan Villanueva
Portrait Jessica Backhaus: © Ilaria Turba
Portrait Sven Marquardt: © Hardy Paetke
Portrait Nikita Teriyoshin: © Privat


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Data Privacy

Ostkreuzschule für Fotografie Darjes Brüggemann GbR
Behaimstraße 32/34
13086 Berlin

This website can be used without providing personal data. If you are interested in our courses or our newsletter, we require personal data, which you can enter in the appropriate place. Alternatively, you can also send us the required data by telephone or post.
We collect and process the following personal data about you: contact information and date of birth information, social media identifiers, online identifiers.

We process your data collected on this page for the following purposes:
Application and registration process for the courses offered at Ostkreuzschule, contract processing, advertising and, if applicable, for sending a newsletter
Your data is processed on the following legal basis: your consent, Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a) GDPR, for the performance of a contract with you and for the fulfilment of legal obligations, Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b) GDPR, legitimate interests, Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f) GDPR (see below),
When processing your data, we pursue the following legitimate interests Improvement of our offer, protection against misuse, statisticsWhen processing your data, we work together with the following service providers who have access to your data Web hosting provider All-inkl, provider of social media platforms, (secured by the Trans-Atlantic Data Privacy Framework between the EU and the USA), provider of web analytics tools.
We receive the data from you (including about the services you use).
Data is transferred to third countries outside the European Union. This takes place on the basis of contractual regulations provided for by law, which are intended to ensure adequate protection of your data and which you can view on request.
We store your data until you revoke your consent or until statutory retention periods expire, - if we use the data on the basis of a legitimate interest, at most as long as your interest in deletion or anonymisation does not prevail.
You have the right - in some cases under certain conditions - to request information about the processing of your data, to correct your data, to have your data deleted or blocked, to restrict processing, to object to the processing of your data, to receive your data in a transferable format and to transfer it to a third party, to revoke your consent to the processing of your data for the future and to complain to the competent supervisory authority about unauthorised data processing.
Requirement or obligation to provide data Unless expressly stated at the time of collection, the provision of data is not required or obligatory.

Status of this privacy policy 14 June 2024
We reserve the right to amend this privacy policy at any time with effect for the future.